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CoMutiny’ art is artistic hacker activism, led by Julia Higginbottom, that is location independent, working with new, existing or loosely formed communities, wherever they are situated. Characterised by interaction, disruption and innovation with the community, and often involving a series of collaborators, who might not usually otherwise engage in the arts, use tech or even have never been part of a community.

CoMutineers‘ come together to collaborate in projects that discover, develop and enhance social outcomes and skills through the hacker ethos.


GoFeminist Conference

Activism / Technology / 2012

The feminist story belongs to all women everywhere and Go Feminist hopes to broaden existing theory to include oppressions beyond patriarchy.

Saving Bletchley Park

Activism / Communications / 2009

Govdelivery - Conference

Activism / Technology / 2009-16

Benha Community Theatre

Arts / Technology / 2010

BMAG - Coming Out

Arts / Communications / 2017

#Twicket - Community Cricket Livestream

Co-Producer / Technology / 2011

Young Rewired State

Co-Producer / Skills / 2010-15

The Vanishing Man

Producer / Short / 2015

IBM Bluemix & Wimbledon Hack

Hackathon / Producer / 2015

ASDA George Hack

Hackathon / Producer / 2015

RebelMakers Camp

Producer / Skills / 2016

Digital Britain Unconference

Activism /Producer /Provocateur 2009

Digital Britain ‘Final Report’ Unconference is the official fringe to the structured ICC conference, driven completely by energy, passion and a room full of people who want to make a difference.

Mayoral Campaign

Activism / Campaign / 2012

UK GovCamp

Activism / Technology / 2014-17

The Offering

Arts / Co-Producer / 2015

The Flyovershow

Arts / Technology / 2011-2014

DevLab 2012

Co-Producer / Technology / 2012

Beyond 2010 Conference

Co-Producer / Technology / 2010


Producer / Short / 2009


Hackathon / Producer / 2015-17

Music Tech Fest - London

Hackathon / Technology / 2014

Rebel Makers

Skills / Technology / 2015-19


Activism / Technology / 2009-16

LocalGovCamp was first held in 2009. Described as a festival for local government, and over the years has been attended by some of the most innovative and influential people in local gov.

Digbeth Olympics

Activism / Event / 2010-13

Granicus Public Sector Communications

Activism / Technology / 2016-17

Hello Culture

Arts / Technology / 2011-15

5 Soldiers

Arts / Co-Producer / 2010

WXWM Conference

Co-Producer / Unconference / 2009

NHS Obesity Data Challenge

Data / Producer / 2015

The Last Witness

Feature / Co-Ordinator / 2016

Accountability Hack

Hackathon / Producer / 2014-16

Hack for Social Impact

Hackathon / Producer / 2014

Rebel Labs

Skills / Strategy / 2015-19

CityCamp London

Activism / Technology / 2010

City Camp London was a 3 day unconference to discuss how technology and innovation can make the capital a better city to live in.


Activism / Communications / 2010-2012

Authority 2.0

Activism / Technology / 2010

BMAG - Ryan Gander

Arts / Communications / 2016

Mosaic Conference

Arts / Technology / 2012

Bunkr - Media 140

Co-Producer / Technology / 2010


Feature / Producer / 2011

500 Miles North

Feature / Producer / 2014

Hack The Hague

Hackathon / Producer / 2014

Force India F1

Innovation / Technology / 2017

Women in Technology

Speaker / Technology / 2016

About Me.

If you would like to find out more, have a project in mind for us to collaborate one or would like to hire me, send me an email and we can get the ball rolling.

Email Julia